making a symbol catalog for wall cut tool
can this be done? i'm looking to create a menu button that would bring up the wall cutting tools (5' and 10'). has anyone done this?
Finally, to make a toolbar button, you need to edit the menu file. These are the .mnu file in the CC3 installation directory. Open the appropriate file (like dungeon.mnu for the dungeon designer toolbar). If you look at the file, the lines should be more or less self-explanatory. The command you need to tell CC3 to load a symbol catalog is CATALOG.
Just give a reply if you need more details. I am writing this from my phone, which for some reason doesn't have CC3 installed, so I don't have the technical details at hand right now.
#430,#Bitmaps\Icons\cit.bmp:[Cities Menu]{~|CMENU SYSTEM\cit.mnc;}~|CMENU SYSTEM\cit.mnc;