Icosahedral Export from FTpro
When I do the export as an icosahedral in FTpro, I get two files: a bitmap with a very nice image in icosahedral format and a template for cosmographer that has the info on it and the hex grid. I understand I have to put these two images together, but am not sure what settings to use or what tools will do the job. Is there a set of instructions or a tutorial on this?
Anyway, to manually insert it, just use Draw --> Insert file, and insert the image. Note that since you are using a cosmographer template generated by FT Pro, I don't think it comes with any sheets, so you'll manually need to use the Send Behind command to move the image to the back.
It is pretty easy to get the image the correct size just by eyeballing it. When inserting the image and it asks for the first corner, use the endpoint modifier to place this corner at the very tip of the leftmost "tip" (the half triangle at the end of the map), then slowly drag your mouse downward to increase size into it fits properly.
As an alternative, just insert it, and use the SCALE command to resize it. You can check the exact scale you need to use by using the distance tool to first measure the distance between two tips on the "grid", and then measure the distance between two tips in the image. The correct scale is simply the first value divided by the second one.