Dungeon designer 3, Symbol Set 2.

Just some things I'd like to point out about DD3 and SS2 and ask if we can get some changes made in the future:

First off can we get a button or something added to link to the vegitation symbol catalog? At present there is no button i've noticed, so you have to manually open the catalog from outside.. it also doesn't seem to show up when you right click on the change symbol set button..

Second Ralf if you read this, I don't know if Linda ever got around to mentioning it you where away when I brought it up with her through technical support....

SS2's cartouch's are 'MIA' from their catalog, and when you do find them.. they appear to be in CC3\Symbols\Maps\CC3\Cartouches and after talking to Linda about it apparently sized for Overland not DD scale... I was wondering if/when we can expect a fix for this?

btw for those who don't know what I mean here if you open the SS2 bitmap A Cartouches.FSC you'll get just the nice Red X marks stating there is a missing bitmap.. i've not been able to work out where exactly i'm meant to dump them to fix it :(


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Here's a little registry entry that will link up the DD3 Color Vegetation catalog to the "Skirmish" button. This is also included in the upcoming September's Annual. Unzip and double-click this file. Afterwards, clicking the Skirmish button in the DD3 menu should bring up the choice between the monsters and the vegetation catalogs.

    You don't have Symbol Set 1, correct? Indeed there seems to be an error with the SS2 cartouches pointing to the SS1 bitmaps. That's probably gone unnoticed so far, because few people have SS2 but not SS1. I'll contact you directly to give you a workaround, and I'll fix this.
  • Ralf nope no ss1, and the registry change fixed the Vegitation issue. TY.
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