Patch5 (3.20) and Vista

I would really appreciate some help with this if anyone knows what the solution is... I have Vista Ultimate and I installed CC3. CC3 is fine on its own... but soon as I install the Patch5 it breaks the 'Extract Properties Tool' button and displays an error dialog box stating that : "SKEEP" is not a command. I tried to track "SKEEP" down but I wasn't able to.

How does one get Patch4 so I can't test to see if this one is working better then Patch5?


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Ooops, this is my fault, I had a new version of the FCW32.mac file up on the server for testing, and the patch uses the online version if it finds one.

    Please open the file fcw32.mac (in your CC3 folder) with a text editor and delete the first three lines (the SKEEP macro) you find there. This should make your KEEP command work again.
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