Swapping Default Landmass and Seas/Lakes

Hello, I recently bought CC3, and I'm really impressed with how powerful it is, and really excited to start using it to map out my campaign world. However, I'm having some difficulty with getting the map to do what I'm wanting it to.

The setting I'm using is primarily a landlocked one with several rivers, lakes, and a single large inland sea. The fractal lakes setting seems a bit to... copypasta for my tastes, and I'd rather be able to 'custom make' my lakes the same way I can draw out the borders of my landmasses using the default landmass tool.

I know I can set the background terrain to grassland as I'd like, but I don't know how to set the 'default landmass' texture to water. Can anyone help me with this?


  • If you click drawing tools, click advanced , select the lake drawing tool, you can here change the Draw method. I think this would be a better solution.

    You can also change the default landmass texture to water here. I do advise you to make a new drawing tool for this.
    Select drawing tool "Land, default" click new
    Then click properties and change the fill style.
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