Converting *.fcw file to a *.svg
Is there a tool, utility, or set of instructions for converting a fcw file to svg format? I ask because I work for a software company that provides indoor maps and I'd like to see if I could display some of my CC3 maps in our apps.
I don't know if CC3 has any utilities or tutorials for converting FCW to SVG, but you can save CC3 files to DWG, DXF, and EMF formats as well as FCW. I believe you can find free software on the Web to convert those formats to SVG.
Someone from ProFantasy may be able to answer with more certainty, though.
Note however that this only supported vector artwork, not bitmap fills and symbols (the same goes for the DWG, DXF and EMF exports mentioned above), so you are limited in what kinds of maps can be used for this (Although one can make very nice maps using vector artwork only, but you need to be prepared for it when you start making your map).
I found this:
but I have know glue how to make this work.
Is anyone more tech savvy than me here who could explain how to make this work?
That's only code, so you need to compile it yourself to get a dll file you can put in your CC3+ directory.
You'll find the setup you require for that in my article here.