Ramp/Stair Overlay
Hey all. Was creating stairs for a new map and needed a shadow for the railing. I couldn't find one in all the usual spots, so I made one in Photoshop. Enjoy.
I've also included an example of it in use
I've also included an example of it in use
before all that, you would need to save the .png to a folder of your choice. Then load up that symbol folder in CC3 and drop it in.
That brings up an interesting pickle now, though. The shadow cast by the railing — as opposed to the shadow on the railing due to it's descending angle — is the same length (depth?) as shadows cast by the walls. A railing of 1/2 or 1/3 height or so would cast a much shorter shadow.
Could that be addressed by putting the rail-wall on it's own sheet (Wall - Railing maybe?) with a different Wall Shadow effect setting? That could be pretty handy, actually, since you could then make the railing any height, including low enough to be more of an "edging" along the outside of the stairs rather than a "railing."
Here's a shot of another part of this palace complex I'm working on. Its supposed to depict a set of stairs the run between two buildings that lead to the main palace. (So,the bottom of the stairs is the bottom of buildings and the top of the stairs is the height of the top of the buildings..but bottom of the palace...if all that makes any sense). I think I'm pretty close, but not sure if there's anything I can do to make it look more like it.
This is going to be another great map.