Weird Re-Scale Behavior
Finally got back to my map, when I've realized that something odd has happened. For some reason, my map has re-scaled itself and I can find no way to fix it. My map was orignially set up for 2000X2000 miles, but for some reason it is now 10000X10000. Does anyone know of any way I can rescale this correctly? I have no idea why it changed on me, I haven't worked on my map in a while. I went back and checked an earlier backup, and it correctly has an area of 2000X2000. It's been a while since I've worked on the map, and I'd hate to have to start from scratch again because the dang thing re-scaled on me without my knowing it (several of my backups are re-scaled). Anyone know how I can fix it?
1. Show all sheets and layers, make sure no layers are frozen
2. Type SCALE on the command line, then hit A to select all entities, D for do it, 0.2 for scale, and 0,0 for origin.
Another option is to enter the Drawing Properties dialog, hit the Drawing units button, and manually multiply the number in the "Inches per drawing unit box" by 5. Make sure the rescale option is checked. This should have the same effect.