Kickstarter - images/symbols useful for mapping

I don't know what the etiquette is regarding informing users ("advertising") regarding mapping related kickstarter projects. If it's not the done thing, please let me know and I'll remove...

Game Master's Campaign - The Fantasy art kit

Originally this kickstarter was mostly for creature/NPC tokens for use in VTT (virtual table top) gaming, but with some of the stretch goals there will now be lots and lots of handy mapping symbols created - lots of objects and items, terrain, walls, decals and furniture and minimaps. Then location specific "stuff" - tavern, castles & torture chambers, holy places (burial grounds, crypts, temples, etc.) are all available now as reached stretch goals.

OK, so these are not packaged for direct use in CC3 (perhaps they could be?) but I'm assuming they will be able to be used within CC3 (as they will be supplied as PNG files).

Could be worth a look...

Note: I'm no way related to this kickstarter (other than being a backer) - I just thought I'd share this info with the ProFantasy community in case others might be interested. And, the more backers it gets the more stretch goals are met and the more symbols everyone gets! :-)


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