Annual toolbar buttons

Recently I have been picking up the Annuals. There is some really neat stuff in them and I'd highly recommend them to anyone using CC3.

I have noticed something though. Any new buttons referred to in the docs don't seem to show up when they should. For instance in Annual Issue 46 (October 2010) the docs say that upon selecting DD3 you will see several new buttons on the right hand tool bars, they even include a pic of what they look like. But for me they do not appear. I can access the various tools by using the the command bar and prompts, but I always have to create a reference list with all the commands.

So my question is this, why does my system not retrieve these kinds of button adds? And where/how can I retrieve/add them myself?

Any advice/help would be appreciated..


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    edited September 2012
    It might be possible that a later update or DD3 install overwrote the Annual buttons. Unzip the attached file "dungeon.mnu" into your CC3 program folder, overwriting the existing one. Then right-click CC3ConfigMenu.exe and run it "As Administrator". This should add the new buttons to your DD3 menu.

    I'll be looking at the mnu file installation here to check for any incompatibilities.
  • Bamf! And everything works!

    Thank you for the assist. The file took care of the problem.
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