Fantasy Symbol sets

Can someone who has purchased the symbol sets Fantasy floor plans and overland comment on what's in there? The marketing blurb is a little vague on actually facts. A review would be nice if you know of one.


  • Second that...$25 for 2500 symbols (fantasy floor plan) sounds like a deal, but i'd like to get a little more detail first.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    These sets basically add new drawing styles to your collection. Both sets add 4 new drawing styles (2 raster and 2 vector), complete with drawing tools, symbols, fill styles and templates.
    Note that since this is new styles, and not more symbols for existing maps, the symbols here largely duplicate the symbols from core CC3/DD3, but in another style. The primary mission of these packs is to bring you more styles, not more symbols for existing styles. Note that you can obviously use these new symbols on the default style maps as well, but because they are a different style, not all of them will blend in properly.

    Note that if you compere these with the annuals (where you also get new drawing styles), you should note that these styles have far more content than the typical annual styles.

    I love both of these sets, because it gives me more variation in my maps. Check out the image gallery on the product page for each of these two products to see examples of the maps you can make with the styles found in the symbol sets. If you ask me, they are well worth the money.
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