converting portions of a ft3 map to cc3

Hello all,

I purchased cc3 and addons as well as ft a while ago but have not had time to do anything other than tinker with the program. Recently I have decided to sitdown and make a serious effort at learning the ins and outs of the program. While I am starting to get the hang of the basics there is one thing that is frustrating me;

I have created a planet in FT3 and I have converted it to cc3. In developing a city I would like to be able to zoom on the world map to an area of about 3miles x 3miles and than save it as a seperate map I would like to do this in costal area especially so that the coast line in the city map matches the city in the world map, but whenever I do this all the city symbols I place are huge with houses measuring about 1-1.5 miles, I also tried this with ft3 by zooming in on the ft3 world map and than saving the zoomed in area and converting it to cc3 but I run into the same problem. Any advice would be appriciated.




  • When placing your symbols, are you scaling them (with a right-click) prior to placing them on the map? If not, that would be my suggestion. Once you have the symbol picked that you want to place, right-click on your map and in the dialog box that comes up, change the scale value. Then place the symbol.

    I will admit that I am in the same boat as you though, I am just now starting to make my first map. I was getting stuck on the import phase from FT3 to CC3, but Ralf pointed me in the right direction.

    If I have not provided you with a viable solution, then maybe someone else will better know how to help, like I said I am still very new at this software.

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