How would I cut one map into four maps?
I started making a map with CC3, but realized it was wayyyyy too big to fit all of the intricate details into. I've decided I want to basically cut my overworld map into fourths, and work on each of them individually. How would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.
And is there any way I can divide it into perfect fourths, or should I just take my best guesstimate?
- Use the midpoint modifier to create a horizontal and vertical line exactly at the middle of your map border. This should result in perfect fourths.
- Make sure all layers and sheets are visible, and that no layers are hidden. (Actually, you may wish to hide the BACKGROUND and MAP BORDER layers, since you don't want to copy the entities on those.)
- Do a clipboard copy (Edit --> Copy), and use the endpoint modifier to create a selection window that fits exactly within the guide lines you drew.
- Hit D to complete the selection process, CC3 now asks for the origin of the copy. Again, use the endpoint modifier to select the lower left corner of the quadrant you just copied.
- Now, go to the destination map (use a separate instance of CC3 for ease of use), then past the copied entities. When CC3 asks for the location, type in 0,0 ans hit enter. This will ensure that the lower point of the quadrant is now in the origin of the new map.