Fjorheim - A work in progress
After subscribing to the 2012 annual, i thought I was going to take some of the new styles for a spin
This was the result of an hour or so of toying around Really love the annual so far
This was the result of an hour or so of toying around Really love the annual so far
It is a dream to work with i must say, I originally got it for the isometric dungeons, but this style is good at it is almost worth the price of the annual alone
But still good in my eyes
The lake will be fixed as well.
Largest problem working on this map is really that the scale is out of wack after a copying from another map.
But I am learning how to deal with that as well
Fjorheim v2
Apart from that I think the island and the upper left corner has not a very realistic shape :P
But anyway... good job
As for the island and upper left corner, can you clarify a bit what you meant ?