Going Mad with Polygons

Working on attempting to transfer two polygons from one map to another.

The concept is to take these polygons (which are two varying shades of a bog) from Overland to Dungeon.

Originally the Outer polygon was on Sheet "RIVERS FRONT" and the Inner polygon was on "RIVERS."

When selecting these two polygons to copy, 2 objects were shown to be selected. But when I Pasted, all the Rivers were included.

To rectify this, I changed the Outer from "RIVERS FRONT" to "BOG FRONT" and the Inner from "RIVERS" to "BOG."

All seemed to work well when copying and pasting; 2 objects selected, and seemingly 2 objects pasted.

Next, I was going to Fill the Outer Polygon with a Filled Bitmap instead of it's Solid Color.

But, found that the Outer Polygon seemed to be 3 objects over each other, and the Solid Color duplicated covered the Filled Bitmap.

Frustrated, I went back to the original drawing, tried Ungrouping it, tried Exploding it and testing a Node by Erasing and found it had only one object (this likely means I don't have copies over one another)

Now, I found that when I pasted the Polygons, the size of my map enlarged greatly and was able to track it down to some random Object on the Template Layer.

Deleted it, thought my problems would be resolved, but, again, objects covering objects keeps me from being able to Fill the Polygon with Bitmap.

My perfectionist nature is encouraging me to go back and find the problem so I can keep the original Polygon shape to easily match the "Zoomed In" Dungeon version of this area; I'd be happy to simply skip finding the "fluke" and simply manage to get the Polygons transferred and Filled.

ATTACHED: Original Map containing Polygons I wish to transfer. Located at the "Bile Belching Bog," Hide All but the Bog and Bog Front Sheet to find the specific polygons.


  • ATTACHED: Here is the current map I am working on with the transferred Polygons, as it is now. You'll notice the Outer Polygon is 3 objects.
  • pdjpdj Traveler
    This behaviour really does try your patience, doesn't it?

    A workaround that often works for me is :-

    1) use two instances of CC3, open the source map in one, destination map in the other
    2) copy & paste, check number of objects pasted

    If the objects are duplicated, triplicated etc :-

    3) undo the paste
    4) take a NEW copy from the source & paste that, then check how many you got

    it seems against all reason that this should work, but it does


    ps having pasted the correct number of objects, it's always worth checking what layers they ended up on :)
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