Copying, Notes, and Points

I've recently been getting to grips with the business of copying stuff from one map to another, so as
to be able to make sub-maps, composites and the like.

In the course of this experimentation I've become only too familiar with the problems, mentioned in
numerous other threads, of copy to clipboard copying whole sheets rather than the selected entities, and
of paste pasting multiple copies into the target map rather than just one.

There's two things I've come to associate with this, though, that I've not noticed being mentioned elsewhere.
Maps that have had a lot of stuff pasted into them from other maps often have :

a) duplicate entries in the map Notes list

b) a pile of Points, typically 15 or 16, at 0,0

does anybody else see this, or is it just me?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    The "pile of points" at 0,0 is to keep the sheets alive. Empty sheets are not saved with the drawing, which means that you loose their position and the effects assigned to them. To to able to have empty sheets in the templates, a point is placed on each individual sheet. In other words, what you are seeing is normal, and intended to be like that.

    For the multiple notes, I have seen that a couple of times myself, not sure why it happens. But it shouldn't affect anything, and if you don't like the duplicates, simply delete them (or, unless you plan to use the map notes to keep other non-template notes, simply ignore them.
  • pdjpdj Traveler
    Thank you for that.

    I see my confusion arose because some templates hide the Template layer (and thus the points at 0,0)
    while others don't

    While checking that, I noticed that the duplicate Notes I quoted above are a quirk of the standard CC3
    Overland template - you get them every time you use it

    thanks again

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