Behold-Your New Free Font - And A Birthday Cake!
HERE IT IS, "GOTHIC BIRTHDAY CAKE" - Your newest free font thus far - courtesy of a guy that has no life and that lives in a basement (Oh wow - that IS cliche isn't it?). Actually it's not reeeaaalllly a basement per se, it's more like a duplex sub-level...College doesn't always pay off kids - ANYWHO....Here it is - download this sucka and letter up your mappy, Slappy!
- click on your new font after you have unzipped it into a desktop folder so that it's highlighted - hit the "ALT" button on your keyboard which will bring up the main menu bar at the top of your Windows Explorer browser - from the "EDIT" menu option follow the directory down to where it says "Copy To Folder", click onto "Copy To Folder" , and in the "Copy Items" box - follow the directory from "Computer > C: > Windows > Fonts" and click on the Windows Fonts folder to highlight it - then click the "Copy" button - and that will copy your new font or fonts from your desktop folder into Windows Fonts - effectively installing them onto your system!