Merge polygons?

Is there an easy way to merge two polygons? I've got a map that changes every turn as my players explore the space around their empire. I'm using a sheet in conjunction with a hex grid to show how much space they control. I've been redrawing it, but that's getting to be too much work.


  • pdjpdj Traveler
    I think the short answer to this is "no". The easiest way would likely be to Edit the first poly and then
    Trace round the other before deleting it - but that's probably what you're doing already
  • You can group items (polys, symbols,etc.) so they behave as one item. I'm not sure exacatly what you are trying to accomplish, a visual example always helps :) !

    Question: Does one hex equal one unit of controled space or do mutiple hexes represent a unit of controlled space?

    Not knowing how big these polys are, I'd recomend trying to have mutiple sheets, one sheet represents one "empire" or unit of control that players gain and lose per turn; that way, by manipulating sheet effects (a strong "glow" or "inner glow" effect that is all black would remove that area from the selected players vision) you can "easily" alter what your players see... this may take some pregame setup to get right but would allow you to make big changes very quickly in-game
    hope this helps...
    Keep Calm
    Map On
  • @pdj - That's what I figured. Thanks.

    @jonasgreenfeather - Thanks for the suggestions.
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