Cosmo 3 Gunboat
The inspiration for this was an attempt to draw an asymmetrical ship with Cosmo 3. I wanted to see if a transversely-mounted engine would look good and fit a narrative. I also think I’ve got a good system down for creating engine blast… Comments and criticisms always welcome.
The “Merilew”, as she’s called by her crew, is all Guns and Engine, every other consideration is secondary (including crew comfort). To balance the primary gun on the ship, engineers needed to off-set the main reactor.
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The “Merilew”, as she’s called by her crew, is all Guns and Engine, every other consideration is secondary (including crew comfort). To balance the primary gun on the ship, engineers needed to off-set the main reactor.
Keep Calm
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Again, fantastic map though. I especially like the main cannon/fire control station.
I know what you mean about font over-usage. For my Starmada campaign map, I did end up going with a font that looks like one that is being used in SW:TOR, but that fit with the space opera theme we're going with. I really like the font that is used in the Traveller Sector example. It's very clean and legible, but not very 'space opera' .
very cool