Dungeon Designer 3 Glitches
I was playing around with the software on a friend's computer, and I noticed that the "Create Room" item is a little unwieldy. I'd line up the cursor with the grid, but the resulting room would always be about a quarter of a square off. Aside from that, the items don't seem to be scaled as if they were 5' squares... the 10' hallways barely reach the edges, and the 5' geomorphs are only a quarter the size they should be. Is this solved in an update? I was hoping to get a copy for myself, but my OCD doesn't like that.
One other potential issue here is if you have snaps turned on. With snaps turned on, all points will be placed exactly at the grid, not necessary where you tried to click. Obviously, if you try to place things on the grid, snaps helps you do just that.
As for scale when placing symbols and geomorphs, they are sized according to the current symbol scale. Normally, you'll use a scale of 1 for dungeon maps, but you can check the current scale by selecting any symbol from the catalog, so that it "hangs" on your cursor, then right clicking inside the map area. This will bring up the symbol properties dialog, where you can view/set the scale.
As far as I can understand from your comment, everything you describe is actually normal, i.e. that the program behaves like it should. But CC3 is a rather advanced program, with very many options. This allows you a lot of flexibility, but also require some knowledge about the features to get the desired results. For example, if you change your scale, that 5' geomorph is no longer 5', which may seem illogical at first, but actually gives you a lot of power.
Thank you for your help!
Also, as Monsen says, make sure your geomorph symbols are scaled correctly. Right-click when placing such a symbol and set the scale back to "Normal", if it isn't at 1.0 for both x and y values.