I have created a sheet for each countour line. But the layer is the same of the landmass as the template that I used (CA 28 Fantasy Worlds) does not have a land layer and put it on the RELIEF/CONTOURS Layer. I am trying to do it using the Fractal Poly tool but I cant change the colour (I want a different color for each contour sheet). Any help? A better sugestion in how I can do it?
EDIT: Ok. now I can change the colour and know how to dont make then hollow (it was just dismark que outline box). Now I am fighting to find a good effect for my altitude contours...
If you have solid color for your contours, an Inner Edge Fade may be a good choice for a sheet effects, or a small blur. If you want to a "scientific" look, don't do any effects at all.
EDIT: Ok. now I can change the colour and know how to dont make then hollow (it was just dismark que outline box). Now I am fighting to find a good effect for my altitude contours...