very slow redraws

Hey All.

I've recently re-installed all my profantasy software onto a new quadcore computer (Q6600) - overclocked to 3 GHz. Oddly enough, redraws seem to take a very long time - much longer than on my old P4 processor. Is this software able to fully use the quad-core architecture, or is that ability soley determined by Windows (XP Pro)? I'm not aware that I changed any settings from what they had been on the old computer. Any thoughts on this? tf


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    I haven't checked, since I don't have multiple cores, but I do believe most software normally only runs on only one CPU if you have several (And multiple cores behaves the same way as multiple processors). If this is the case, considering you are running a quad core, the software will only use 25% of your processing power.
    You should be able to check this using the task manager. Just see how much of the total CPU CC3 max out on when doing heavy operations. If it maxes on 25% (or 100% on one core, 0% on all the others), it is only using one core, and thus only 25% of your capacity.
  • That doesn't explain the slow speed though. In a quad core 3GHz CPU, each of the cores operates at 3GHz, so it should be just as fast, if not faster, than his old P4 (which topped out around 3.4-3.6GHz). It certainly shouldn't take "much longer" for redraws.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    Not sure if this applies to you, but if you are working with sheet effects on, make sure they are turned off while you are still working and turn them back on only when you need to at the end.
  • Thanks for the responses. Jaerdaph, I am indeed using sheets - this is what seems to take much longer than my old P4 - though I know turning them off would make it redraw much faster. I keep them on to tweak the effects themselves. I had this machine custom built for my music programs (Digital Audio Workstation), and it really blazes, even under heavy loads, running multiple loads and dual monitors - hence, my confusion. I have 4 gigs of memory, 4 hard drives (almost 2 terrabytes of space) - but I realize redraws are processor (I assume). Any other thoughts appreciated. I do have XP sp2 installed. tf
  • If you have Effects on, that will be the problem. It doesn't matter how powerful your computer is, it isn't going to be fast enough to render them quickly.
    Follow these CC3 commandments:
    When tweaking effects, keep the Effects on.
    At all other times, switch them off.

    You only need effects on when you want to see how the map will appear to others. When designing the actual structure of the map (where furniture or mountains go, or whatever), you don't need them.
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