Another Inn

Hello all, I need to make a specific Inn for my Pathfinder game, so I made my second DD3 dungeon map. All advice is welcome and I would appreciate any tips you have for me to make this map even better. I know I am still a newbie with the software, so I feel I still have a long way to go.

The Rusty Dragon Inn


  • I havent done anything on DD3 yet, but your map looks sweet. Some astetics suggestions/questions.

    1) Why have yuo put so many walls in strange angles?

    2) Is the inn in the middle of a forest or something like it?

    3) I would put all the structure in wood, as i is normaly cheaper.

    4) Windowns, where are they? Or the ilumination inside the building comes from some opennig in the roof?
  • Thanks!

    1) The strange angles for the exterior walls are due to way they had the floor plan of the building in the map. The interior walls are all my own design as I try to fit everyting in with the angles of the exterior walls.

    2) No, but it is a more open city that is not too cramped. I suppose I did go overboard a little, but I did not want to have just bare grass all around. What would you recommend?

    3) Good point, I believe this is one of the older structures in the town though.

    4) Heh, I forgot all the windows. What other ilumination inside the building would suggest other than candles on the tables?

    Thank you very much for the feed back and tips!
  • So you may put a closed area with vegetables or fruit trees. In medieval times is quite comom to have small gardens inside citys. You also could put a fountain near or some sing that the building is not in the middle of nowhere.

    About the ilumation it depends a lot of climate, temperature, etc. But some kind of roof lantern probably is apropiat:
  • Okay, I will put in some items around it so that it can be seen as in the city. Thanks for the idea!

    I do not have any symbols for a Roof_Lantern, do you know where I can get one?
  • As your map is a up-down vision the "roof lantern" would not be visible. It would only determine from where the light comes. Its more a matter of RP (role-play) then of a symbol in the map.
  • Lanterns can work for room illumination. There are candle lanterns. More stable than some candlesticks.
  • Thanks guys. I made some adjustments to the map based on your feedback. Check it out at the bottom of my post and tell me what you think and which version you like better and why!
  • 1 month later
  • edited March 2012
    I love both of these! But a question -- does the inn serve food as well as beverage? If so, where's the kitchen? :) I would expect it to be in the back, with easy access to the well and ingredients storage.

    Other than that, the inn looks fabulous. I want to stay there! :D

    Oh geez, nevermind. When I zoomed in, I realized that what I'd thought was a big private room was actually the kitchen. *facepalm*
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