Overland Hex Map - Making Symbols
I just purchased Annual 3 and downloaded the free overland hex map symbols and guide from Annual 4.
However, while I found the guide useful, the symbols that came with it are...well...not up to the standard that I want to use.
Question, is there a way for me to create a new hex symbol using symbols from the Napoleonic battles symbol set from Annual 3 and/or symbols from other annual issues? My reason for this is two fold, having a style of symbol set that will work better for my Imagi-Nations campaign map AND will allow me to simply paint the hexes on a new map (so that it will be a faster process than doing it all by hand).
Any help would be appreciated...especially as I am STILL a novice at this.
I just purchased Annual 3 and downloaded the free overland hex map symbols and guide from Annual 4.
However, while I found the guide useful, the symbols that came with it are...well...not up to the standard that I want to use.
Question, is there a way for me to create a new hex symbol using symbols from the Napoleonic battles symbol set from Annual 3 and/or symbols from other annual issues? My reason for this is two fold, having a style of symbol set that will work better for my Imagi-Nations campaign map AND will allow me to simply paint the hexes on a new map (so that it will be a faster process than doing it all by hand).
Any help would be appreciated...especially as I am STILL a novice at this.
The CC3 manual outlines the basics of symbol creation. Make sure you are familiar with this before going ahead.
The main differences between normal symbols ans hex symbols is that you should define it to exactly fit the hex grid. Simply use a hex grid of the same size the map uses to make this happen. You can also insert an existing hex symbol into the map to use it as the guide.
To modify existing symbols, simply insert the existing symbol you wish to modify into the map. Then use Explode on the symbol to get it into it's component parts (You don't want to have an existing symbol inside your new symbol, exploding it makes it into parts instead of a symbol). Now move the exploded symbol parts into place in your new hex symbol, then define the new symbol. The origin for the symbol should be the snap point in the center of the hex. After defining the symbol, access it's options from the symbol manager, and check the "Hex Symbol" option.
I was able to make two of hexes in the style that I want, but when I went to make more, the graphic that is supposed to be on the front of the hex ended up behind the hex coloring and was then not showing up properly.
I do not know what I did wrong and tried various remedies, but to no avail.
I have attached the file that I am currently working from to define some wooded hexes. There are 8 different woods patterns with 8 green hexes and I am trying to get them set up individually. Perhaps someone can take a look at these and see what I may be doing wrong.
When defining these symbols, I would advice you to move everything to the COMMON sheet, and the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer and work with the entities there. Now, simply use the send to back/bring to front buttons to move the entities relative to each other.
Note, also hide of erase your map background, otherwise a send to back will send it behind the background as well. Ideally, you should work on one of the symbol templates, and not a regular map, but usually it's not that big of a problem though. Just use the symbol manager to save the new symbols as a new symbol catalog, instead of saving this actual map file as a symbol catalog.
I was using the map file because I wanted to fit everything within the size of that hex and the fantasy overland hex symbols worked with it as far as placing, size, etc.