Orbital station with Cosmographer

Hello !

I am trying to map an donut shaped orbital station with Cosmographer 3 and I have the following questions. I'm still new to the software, so some might seems obvious. I have done the video tutorials and read most of the manuals :) (nicely done btw.).

So here we go;

a) How can I draw the donut shape for my station ? I have tried the following procedures;
1) Via Deck tool which, I am unable to configure do to it like a donut (only thing I can is make a full circle).
2) With the filled circle tool (donut option) with correct .bmp for fill style. That actualy works BUT, I can't seem to be able any king of sheet effects on it ...

b) How can I use the draw lines tools (the ones on the right of the interface) with "walls tools", like the bulkhead tool ?

c) How could I add lightning that comes out of the station (spolights or "windows") ? Can this be done in CC3 or do I have to pos-process in Photoshop ?

d) Are there any dead bodies symbols available ?

e) Can I add blood spill in CC3 or is this easier in Photoshop afterwards ?

I know, that's a lot :)

Thanks for your help !

P.S. : Thanks to Profantasy for this nice software :)


  • Well, for the donut you drew using a) option 2), you probably need to change the sheet that you drew it on to whatever sheet the regular Deck tool puts the deck entity on to get the sheet effects for that sheet.

    Also, Info -> List from the main menu is a valuable tool and your best friend in CC3. Draw something with a drawing tool like the bulkhead tool. Use Info -> List on it to see what entity or entities it is made up of, what sheet and layer they are on, what color, fill style, line width etc. they are set for automatically by the draw tool. Then set CC3 to those specifications before using the basic Line or Path tools. Hint: You can use this same method to find out what sheet to move the donut you drew in the paragraph above to find out what sheet it needs to be moved to to get the effects.

    I believe Dungeon Designer 3 has PNG dead body symbols, but they might be a little too "fantasy RPG" in style. You could probably find something more genre appropriate for dead bodies and "blood spills" as PNGs with a Google image search and make CC3 symbols from them. I'm a big fan of doing post work in GIMP or Photoshop as well.
  • Thanks for your reply. Indeed, with the Info -- List function I have found that I am not on the right sheet.
  • If you use some of the "normal" tools like the filled circle tool (your option a.2), you can easily change all relevant properties to that of your desired drawing tool.

    Just use the change properties button and select the like option. Somewhere in the dialog (sorry, not running CC3 at the moment) you can choose like drawing tool and select your desired tool.
  • Cool! And thanks for the tip - I hadn't been using that before but now I will! :)
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