Potential User - A few questions.

Hello all, I'm a potential purchaser/user of this software, and first I'd like to say that CC3 looks absolutely beautiful, and the interface looks like once you get the hang of it you can really make some gorgeous maps with ease. With that said, I just have a few questions:

1.) When mapping a grid-based dungeon/building, is the size of the grid fixed based on the size of the materials/tileset? Or can you specify a size, because I'm looking to be able to make maps specifically using a 64x64 grid, and I'm hoping the tiles scale accordingly.

2.) Are you able to place other things in the environment without snapping to a grid? For example, if I want to make the entire layout of the building in a grid, can I place addons to the scenery without snapping to the grid? It would appear so, I just wanted to make sure before purchasing.

I'm looking to get CC3 as well as Cosmographer 3 for some of my board games and PC games, but I just want to make sure it has some of the functionality I'll need before dropping 80+ dollars on the two. When I first saw the prices I was shocked, and thought to myself "Pfft, there's no way in hell," but the second I saw the screenshots of what people have made with this, I instantly put my own metaphorical foot in the mouth of my mind, beautiful stuff you've got here, and as long as it can do what I've mentioned above, I'll happily pay every cent.

Thanks a lot everyone, I'm looking forward to getting this software asap!


  • Also - does Cosmo 3 allow the creation of interior maps? Like essentially a normal dungeon, but with scifi themed tiles? I'm hoping you can create interiors as well, not just overhead maps of landing sites and such.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited January 2012
    You can create a hex or square grid at any distance units you want, and you can specify the number of rows and columns of hexes or squares you want as well.

    You can snap to grid, or turn snap off and place symbols or other entities anywhere you desire on the map "freehand". You can even change the grid snap dimensions independent of your hex and square grid for finer placement precision. The "snap grid" for drawing is independent of the lined grid you create.

    Cosmographer 3 does sci fi ship deck plans, but those could just as easily be used something like a space station or planet-side base.
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Just a clarification, you keep using the word "tiles".

    CC3 is not tile-based. You draw using polygons that can have any size and shape you desire. For these, you can use various fill styles (cobblestones, wooden floor, concreate, plastic tiles to mention but a very few examples). By using the grid snap features, you can easily make these polygons "tile-sized", but you can also use free placement to get any odd shape you might desire.

    Also, when it comes to the price, ProFantasy has a 14 day statisfaction guarantee, so it doesn't cost you anything to try it out.

    Note that since you are talking about dungeons, you may want Dungeon Designer 3 as well, if you intend to create the classical fantasy dungeons. CC3 does contain some basic artwork, but DD3 contains much more, and additional tools.

    Just a word of advice, make sure to read the main program manual and work through the tutorials there (Even if you do not plan to make overland maps). It will teach you all the skills required to become proficient with the program.
  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited January 2012
    I also *highly* recommend watching Joe Sweeney's video tutorials on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/joesweeney88/feed In fact, you may want to look at some of them before you buy to see the program in action (CC3 overland maps and DD3 dungeons/floorplans basics). There are even some tutorials for Cosmographer (starships and star maps).
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Here are some non-starship floorplan examples, all straight out of Cosmo 3:

    Agent Dorms
    Docking Area
    Landing Platform
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