Annual Dioramas

I'm curious about the The Cartographer's Annual Vol 5 July Mine Diorama and the The Cartographer's Annual 2012 January Dungeon Dioramas. Has anyone here tried them? I'm in no way a beginner in paper modelling. I've been designing my own paper models using 3D programs, photoshop and Illustrator for years.

I plan on using CC3 new Dioramas for my Mage Knight Dungeons games and my GURPS games. Both which do not use 1" squares. So I need to remake the templates. One using 1.5" grid and the other using my Hex tiles (see my link below). If anyone has any quick suggestions on the easiest way to go about this in CC3 please speak up! I could do it by scratch no problem, but I'd rather do it in a way that promotes ProFantasy.

For Ralph/Simon I have a question. For the Mines is there a symbol for the tracks?

PS: I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for a new Character Artist!

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