Trade codes for Traveller Sector Maps
Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
We're looking at whether it's worthwhile to add the worlds' trade codes to the data that gets imported in the Traveller Sector maps in Cosmographer 3.
Normally these are not shown on Traveller maps, but some people may want to use this data.
Would you have a use for this?
Normally these are not shown on Traveller maps, but some people may want to use this data.
Would you have a use for this?
What idea did you guys have for displaying the trade data?
Maybe have it in the same place as the UWP. We could turn off the one we did not want. This way we could create a trade map.
Hope my comment was not too late.
A couple feature requests if they are quick.
Could you have the import configuration use the last configuration file you used. I use my custom configuration file every time and it would be nice if I did not need to select it each time.
It would be nice if the importer loaded the list of sector names from a text file. This way we could add to the list.
It would be nice if you could specify a file as opposed to a web address on the import location in the configuration file. Have it be file and path and have your program append the sector name by the selection in the drop down combo. You could require the extensions be SEC and MSEC. Example: file://C:\travellersectors\datafiles\
I am a programmer by trade so I well know that a change that might seem simple and be a can of worms. I will understand if these turn out to be too much work.