FT3 And Water
FT2 tends to strand a lot of water in interior lakes with no outflow, which is not as common in the real world. Seemingly the water model doesn't outflow from lakes, only inflow. Does FT3 improve this situation?
Secondly, the FT2 seem,s top generate a fair number of straight rivers, is that different in FT3?
Secondly, the FT2 seem,s top generate a fair number of straight rivers, is that different in FT3?
The final thing you can do in CC3 is to fractalize then Straight to Smooth all the rivers.
Thanks for the answers.
1. Select all land above sea level (Select>>Altitude Range, above 0).
2. Expand the selection a few samples to kill the holes that were the little lakes (Select>>Modify>>Expand with an Amount on the order of 3 to 10, depending on your world and editing resolution).
3. Contract the selection by the same amount to get back roughly the original selction, but now without the lakes. You will also connect up some parts and possibly get some odd connections to the land from islands; these are not a major issue.
4. Lower the water level in the selection so that the lakes appear as dry land (Tools>>Global Lower>>Water Level with a value of 100000 or so)
5. Fill basins (Tools>>Actions>>Fill Basins in Offset).
6. Restore the water level (Tools>>Global Raise>>Water Level with the value used in step 4)
This sequence of operations will usually kill little lakes. Manually painting them out (especially with the prescale painting tool) will always kill them.
I have never seen FT generate more than one outflow from a basin. Do you have an example screenshot?
When you export, the rivers are on a separate layer? I could edit that way in CC, right, removing the extra outflows?
The straight river segments across the basins and lakes are caused by the basin fill algorithm filling the basins with a slightly-sloping sheet that has no roughness for the rivers to wiggle around.
I think the rivers are on a separate layer, yes.