Windows 8
Windows 8 will be coming out next year. I have waited on upgrading to Windows 7 and now I hear about Windows 8 which can be used for netbooks, tablets and PC's. Having a Netbook and PC and now considering getting a windows tablet I will most likely be upgrading all my systems to Windows 8.
My question is will ProFantasy be looking into Windows 8 as it progresses or is it a wait and see? I've actually stalled on getting Windows 7 form comments of CC3 compatibility with the OS.
My question is will ProFantasy be looking into Windows 8 as it progresses or is it a wait and see? I've actually stalled on getting Windows 7 form comments of CC3 compatibility with the OS.
We are keeping an eye on Windows 8, and we'll work to keep CC3 compatible with it. The OS we originally had the most problems with was Vista, but again, those problems are fixed.
Completely useless bug report, I know - but at least now you know if someone else comes knocking with something more precise.
- Dan
With Windows 8, same as Windows 7, if CC3, addons and Annuals are all installed by using the Run As Administrator option, it appears to work flawlessly. At least, as far as I can find.
I've pushed CC3 pretty hard on Win8 after installing this way and have yet to encounter any issues. Well, let me amend that: the only issue I found was with the menu options showing ALL the addons instead of just the ones I have but I ran the menu fix tool (as an Administrator, of course) and have not seen that happen since.
I should also point out that I am currently testing Win8.1, which is scheduled to come out October, IIRC, and have not encountered a single issue whatsoever when using CC3 or any addons.