Software for Black & White maps (B&W) and sharing my maps

Hello forum!

I recently released my first 4E D&D module. I purchased and used Campaign Cartographer 3 and Dungeon Designer to make the maps. I obviously don't have the skills as many of the folks on this forum, but I would've been totally sunk without the software. Surprisingly, I've gotten good comments about the maps in the reviews of the module (which really did surprise me because I thought my map-work was the weakest part of the module, but I think is testament to how well your software can make even a novice cartographer look good.)

That said, I wasn't pleased with how the maps turned out in the printed version of my module. In the two products I owned, most of the symbols and textures seemed oriented towards color. In my next module, I want to design entirely in B&W for printing from the beginning. Looking through the site it looks like Annual 4 had more B&W templates for dungeons & cities (although I don't own City Designer... hmm)

If I ordered the 2010 annual would I then have everything I need to create maps that look similar to the ones you have on your site here:

...or if there's any other suggestions for how best to design dungeons & overland maps for B&W I'd be keen to hear/read them.

Also, I did post the maps I did create as a free download on RPGNow if anyone is interested in seeing them. I'm not sure if this is the most appropriate place to put that type of information so please advise if I should post that elsewhere.



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