Adding different fills for a map

Hey Folks:

I just downloaded the new CSUAC files, including the fills. My question is: How do I change the fill styles on a landmass? So far, when I go into FS > Find Bitmap and make the change, not only will my current land mass change, but several other ones also - but I only want to change the current one. I'd like to be able to layer different fill styles on this map. Any thoughts will be most appreciated. tf


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited June 2008
    Use the "Change Properties" or "Edit Properties" (Both buttons are found in the toolbar to the left of the symbol catalog) on the entity you wish to change the fill style on, then select a new style for the selected object(s).

    Each object has a reference to a specific fill style type, so if you edit a Fill Style like you describe, all objects that uses that fill style will change. So if you need other fill styles than those available, you need to create new ones, not edit the existing (or edit ones that are not in use on the map).
  • Thanks for the reply Monsen. I get the first paragraph of your response. How does one go about editing the fill styles? I know you can create new fill styles by right-clicking (e.g.) landmass, going to advance and creating new. However, I'm not able to navigate to CSUAC bitmaps, so maybe I'm missing something here. Thanks again. tf
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    When you follow the procedure you describe in your last post, you create a new draw tool, not a new fill style. When you create a draw tool like that, you can only use existing fill styles.

    To make a fill style from the CSUAC files, click on the "FS: " in the status bar, go to the bitmap fills tab, then hit "new", and give it a meaningful name. Now hit the 'Find' button, browse to the folder containing the bitmap you wish to use for a fill, and select it. You have now created a new fill style based on the bitmap you selected. The new fill style you created is now available when you use change/edit properties, as well as when you make new draw tools.

    You can also automatically import a directory full of bitmaps as fill styles by using Tools --> Import Bitmap Fill Styles
  • Excellent. I'll give it a try. Thanks, Monsen.
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