Symbol Set 1

I just downloaded and installed the Symbol Set 1 Catalog. I've looked through the available symbols in SS1; Sean, Peter, Handdrawn, and Fantasy. But I must say I'm very disappointed. I expected to gain additional symbols for the CC3 Filled set, but alas this is not the case.

I don't want to be insulting, but all but the Fantasy style of symbols are nothing like what I was expecting. The Fantasy symbols are well done, but just the same CC3 symbols with some added three dimensional look.

I'm hoping to return this product if possible, or at least some direction with what these symbol sets can do?
I haven't much money, but it was between this Symbol Set and the Volume 1 Annual, and seeing what is available in the Symbol Set, I'd much rather have spent the money on the Annual.


  • Oh no!

    As I was searching the files in the Pro Fantasy folders, I found the CC3 Vector BW and CC3 Vector Color...but didn't see that there were other symbols added in the CC3 folder.

    Problem was, they didn't show up in the regular "catalog" and I'm not entirely sure they will be available in Campaign Cartographer by simply using the Natural/Structure/etc. buttons to change between them..

    Am I doing something totally wrong here?
  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    edited July 2011
    The symbol sets adds new styles of symbols, and not additional symbols to the default set.

    The normal way of accessing the SS1 symbols (Or any additional symbol style) is to start a new map based on one of the SS1 templates. Once you are using an SS1 template, the catalog buttons (Mountains, Structures, etc...) will load the catalogs for this style rather than the default style. If you wish to use SS1 symbol in a regular CC3 map you will need to use the Load Symbol Catalog button to manually load the catalog you wish to use.

    If you end up deciding to return the product, please contact ProFantasy directly to have them deal with this.
  • 4 years later
  • Glad I saw this. Was just about to purchase "Symbol Set 1 v3" and was hoping for additional symbols not just new styles. Good to know.
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