Hello! Sunless Citadel + Battlemats
Just getting back into the wonderful word of cartogrpahy and thought I'd share: http://www.awizardindallas.com.
A few hints regarding your web page though. You could make the cartography page load quite a bit faster if you created actual thumbnails for your images, instead of just changing the display size in html though. My connection is fast enough to make it a minor issue, but if you load up with more maps, that page is going to load very slowly as time passes if you continue to use the full images instead of actual thumbnail files on the page.
You'll probably also want to indicate somehow that the "Battle Tiles" link leads to a set of images. Personally, I have the habit of middle clicking on any link, to open it in a new tab. Doing this doesn't bring up the "Gallery Browser", so there is no indication that this is a series of images.