Scope of map: e.g. Galaxy, System, World, Continent, Region, Locale, City, Encounter, Building Style of map: Realistic, Artistic, line, overhead, perspective (probably others, and multiple allowed) Base template: E.g. CD3a, Annual 2010 December Add-ons used: Base CC3, CD3, Cosmo, etc. Third-party tools: Photoshop, CSUA, bryce, etc.
Scope of map: e.g. Galaxy, System, World, Continent, Region, Locale, City, Encounter, Building
Style of map: Realistic, Artistic, line, overhead, perspective (probably others, and multiple allowed)
Base template: E.g. CD3a, Annual 2010 December
Add-ons used: Base CC3, CD3, Cosmo, etc.
Third-party tools: Photoshop, CSUA, bryce, etc.
Old School
Sci Fi
D&D, Traveller, Call of Cthulhu, Trail of Cthulhu, Star Wars, Harn etc.
Hex Grid
Square Grid