Viewing with a new Tablet problems.

So here's what's going on. I've been using CC3 to create some new maps for my upcoming campaign next semester. Just a few weeks ago I purchased a new Tablet computer (an Acer Iconia a500) that runs on Android 3.0. I'm trying to find a way to view my maps that are in a FCW format on my tablet. The only CAD app that I have found can only read .dwg files, and won't accept a fcw file. I tried to convert my .fcw file into a .dwg file, but almost everything but the continent outlines were taken off in the conversion. So, my question is, do you guys know of any work around to converting and keeping my full design, or at least know of any android apps or a future plan to create one?

I know I can just save it as an Image file and see it as a .jpg, but my problem is that it won't be very good quality and I would like to be able to zoom in and see certain areas more close up. Here's a demo of my map:



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    To get a proper version of your map, you need the full .fcw format. Other vector formats does not support all the features that have been added to the .fcw format to be able to draw the maps CC3 can make. Therefore, converting to other CAD formats is not going to work as long as you wish to experience the map in it's full glory. Currently, software capable of viewing this format is only available for windows (And on other systems through the use of virtualization and Wine).

    Unless you can get virtualization software for android, the only way to go is image export (I would prefer .png over .jpg), or PDF export (Install a free PDF virtual printer, and print your maps to PDF format). Remember that you can export images at a rather large resolution, which means that even if you do not have the almost unlimited zoom feature of CC3, you can still zoom in quite a bit. The image size is going to get a bit large in comparison to the .fcw file, but remember the .FCW fomat requires a lot of artwork files that lives in your CC3 install, files which you also would need to transfer over to be able to see a CC3 map on the device. PDF export can also give quite decent results.
  • You can set the export options so that you get a bigger (higher resolution) image. Once you select "Save as", the dialog has an "Options" button on it -- click that to change the dimensions of the export. Maybe that will get you a workable solution.
  • Thanks a lot guys, I had no clue that I could change the resolution size when I save it. I created a much larger resolution size and uploaded the picture to my tablet, and it works perfectly for my needs! Thanks again and I'm sure my players will be thanking you as well haha. I must say, with this new tablet it's making things so much easier on me to keep all my npc's together and all my notes stored. This next semester shall be interesting indeed :)
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