Trying to understand how to purchase this product

I have to buy Campaign Cartographer 3 first, then I can get City Designer 3?

Campaign Cartographer 3 is the main program I need to make the other programs work?

Sorry, this just isn't made very clear and now I am finding out that City Designer is useless without Campaign Cartographer. I want to be sure I know I am getting the right program instead of spending another 50$ on something I can't actually use yet. -_-


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    edited May 2011
    Yes. This is true. CC3 is the core program, and is needed for all the other products (Dungeon Designer, City Designer, Symbol Sets, Cosmographer, etc.), which are just add-ons for CC3.

    The exceptions here is Fractal Terrains, which is a stand-alone program. Also the Source Maps/Atlas series are stand-alone products, but they are especially useful when combined with CC3.

    Also note that all the V3 software contains symbols in png format that can be used with other software, so you can technically buy CD3 just for the symbols, but you cannot make any maps with it without CC3.
  • Ah ok, I just wanted to be totally sure before I spent another 50$. I wish this would be made a lot more clear on the website.

    Thanks Monsen.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    We'll take a look at making this more clear on the website. I've replied to your email about the same subject.
  • 1 month later
  • When I was looking for ProFantasy software to purchase, I found the system requirements for each software package listed under the Details page of that particular software. For example. if you are looking at the City Designer 3 page ( and click on 'Details' in the left hand navigational menu, the system requirements are listed about halfway down and the number one thing is to have a valid copy of CC3 installed.

    Also, as Monsen stated, City Designer 3 can be used without CC3 just for its symbols. This is detailed by going to the City Designer 3 page and clicking on 'Use without CC3':

    Most of the ProFantasy site is set up this way. I would prefer for System Requirements to be on the main page, or have their own link from the left hand navigational menu (instead of just 'Details'), but once you've used the site once or twice it becomes easier. Most of the product packages are set up this way on their website.

    Happy Gaming!!
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