Dual Installation of CC and Add-Ons

Is there a way that I can install CC3 (and its) add-on on the same computer twice?


  • jaerdaphjaerdaph Traveler
    edited May 2011
    Not sure if this is what you are asking, but do you want two copies of the program on the same computer? I don't know if that can be done (or why you would want to, unless it involves multiple accounts on one computer - but then you could just install CC3 once and give access to all users), but if you only need to have more than one map open at once, you can just open CC3 again/more than once to have multiple instances of the program open at the same time and bring up a different map in each one.
  • LatharionLatharion Traveler
    If you have two operating systems (say Windows XP and Windows 7), you can install CC3 on both of those partitions without any issues.
  • JoeyD473JoeyD473 Betatester 🖼️ 2 images Traveler
    Alright I didn't think there was a way. I wanted to install 2 copies because I want to move it to another drive, but don't want to risk accidentally miss backing up any of my drawing tools or textures. Oh well, I'll just have to uninstall it and be extra careful when I backup my tools and textures
  • LatharionLatharion Traveler
    You could copy the CC3 directory over to the new drive, change the directory name, uninstall the original and then install it again on the new drive. After installation, you could then copy all of the files from the backup to the installation directory, and you should have all of your tools and textures and other stuff intact and ready to go. After you are sure everything works correctly, you could then delete the backup CC3 copy.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    Yes, Latharion's instructions are the way to do it.
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