Delete or anything else now = END NOW
=( I have alot of damn mountains that are too damn big in one area LOL. When I use the erase tool it bugs out and shuts down CC3. I even hide all of the sheets and it still does it. Any idea how to fix this?
Ok now when I add symbols its taking me to that dreadful END NOW XP crap. Please don't tell me I have a bad file because I spent 10 hours working on this map =(
Ok now when I add symbols its taking me to that dreadful END NOW XP crap. Please don't tell me I have a bad file because I spent 10 hours working on this map =(
For now, go into Symbols -> Symbol Manager
You will see the symbols in the sequence you added them to your map.
Click on one of them. The menus to the right side of the symbol manager popup will now show.
Click on 'Delete'
That deletes that symbol from your map.
Click okay.
Save as to a new filename.
Now see if you can delete using the erase command.
If not, go back to the most recent 'save as' file. Follow the above instructions. Delete another mountain symbol.
Oh, if that is the only mountain range. Then delete all the symbols using the Symbol Manager.
Do a 'save as' to a different file name.
Then try to work with the map.
As for what to 'save as' to.
I decide on a map name. The 'save as' to mapName_001, work a bit, save as to mapname_002
I continue until it is the way I like it.
Then I 'save as' mapname.fcw
Now I have the map I zip and upload to my website.