Dragonbay kingdom
This is a map I did to test the CC3 annual 51 style that was released now in march. I must say that I am very pleased with the result. The style was very easy to work with, You just couldn't fail on the mountains :-)
All the terrain is done in CC3. I've also added some texture and light effects in Photoshop. All the labeling is done in photoshop.
I hope you like it.
All the terrain is done in CC3. I've also added some texture and light effects in Photoshop. All the labeling is done in photoshop.
I hope you like it.
Ralf - You have really outdone yourself with this annual. It looks great and is easy ro work with. The mountains really draw themselves :-)
I have a set of textures I use, posted by Natalya Faden's textures. I host them at: Her textures
Just scroll down to the bottom of that article/post. They are in a zip file ready for download.
The template I use them on is surface map color chart
So, you can add textures to a template, and add them to a map using that template. Doesn't matter what you use to make the textures.
If I can fumble my way through making over one thousand eight hundred maps, then the program can be learned by anyone.