Symbol catalog
Hi, i'm new to the program and am having a little trouble. Its the only problem i've encountered, THUS FAR, with the software and that is after using it once the symbol catalog simply vanished. Well not completly, but I can't see it or select anything from it. I know I have it turned on in the toolbar option and i tried to to move it to a different side but it wouldn't let me. It just checks the box as opposed to the arrows that place it either top, left, right or bottum like the other toolbars have. Please help, its ruining my experience with this program
*Edit* the catalog is supposed to be on the right side
*Edit* the catalog is supposed to be on the right side
I clicked the hammer and it brought up the toolbar menu but the symbol catalog's box does not have the arrows like the rest, its just a check mark. If I click the box it either unchecks or checks, no left,right, up or down arrows as in to place it.
Going to go be creative now, hope we meet again, ciao.
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