July Annual 10 (Hexmapping download) wants to edit my registry?

I downloaded the free July 2010 "Overland Hex" update for CC3. When I go to install it, it pops up a warning asking if I want to allow it to make changes to the registry. My question is, is this normal and what exactly is it editing? I don't really like software going about editing important files such as the Windows registry without at least being able to look at the .REG file and see what exactly it's trying to update. At that point, I said "No" and did not allow it to edit anything; at which point it continued on and exited after deleting "regadd.reg". I started CC3 and it seemed to work fine without the registry update. My question is, what key(s) is it trying to update and what is the purpose of the update? Thanks!


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    It changes some of the CC3 settings stored in the registry (Adding some new symbol catalog settings which are needed for the annual)

    Note that almost all software writes to the registry, it is just that the annuals uses a simple installer that calls a .reg file instead of having embedded code in the installer to do this. I am uncertain why you were notified about this though, as it does use the silent switch, which should suppress user notification.

    I do believe you might be a bit paranoid about registry updates though. Just about every piece of software out there uses the registry and writes to it during both installation and use, and CC3 is no exception. If you wish to see all registry changes beforehand, you cannot really install anything at all. The only difference this time was that you were actually asked.
  • It changes some of the CC3 settings stored in the registry (Adding some new symbol catalog settings which are needed for the annual)

    Note that almost all software writes to the registry, it is just that the annuals uses a simple installer that calls a .reg file instead of having embedded code in the installer to do this. I am uncertain why you were notified about this though, as it does use the silent switch, which should suppress user notification.

    Not sure why it prompted me, but it did. I should have phrased my question better. I'm aware that all software writes to the registry during install and use, but that's the first I've ever seen of a patch asking me beforehand. Also, I should have stated that I like to see what's inside the .REG file before it writes to the registry, if possible. Ninety-nine percent of the time you can't, like you say, as the installer usually just goes ahead and does it's thing. As to why I was asked, perhaps it's the way my UAC is set up in Windows 7, not sure. Perhaps the silent switch was not implemented on that particular annual? Not sure, but it's better to ask and be safe. Thanks for the reply!
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