
Hi. I have Fantasy Overland Symbol Set 1 and Fantasy Floorplans Symbol Set 2. Could someone please tell me how to access the symbols on them?


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 81 images Cartographer
    If you start a new map based on one of the SS1 or SS2 templates, the symbols from these symbol sets should be the one that show up when you click the symbol catalog buttons at the top.

    If you wish to just open one of the catalog when drawing a map in another style, you can either click on the Open Symbol Catalog button at the top of the symbol catalog display and navigate to #Symbols\Maps\SS1 or #Symbols\Dungeons\SS2. You'll find the symbol catalogs in the subdirectories accessible from those locations.

    Lastly, you can change the filter for what catalogs are loaded when you click the symbol catalog buttons. Right click the Symbol Style Toggle button, choose Master Filter Settings, then select one of the SS1 (or SS2) styles, and click ok. Now the buttons should load these catalogs instead of the original ones for that template.
  • Thanks Monsen.

    Your suggestions worked.
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