What Do I Need to do.....


What products would you suggest I need to be able to do maps and associated
graphics for 17th-19th century (inclusive) games and moderns, 1950's onwards.

This will include castle for siege's, maps of Europe, fictional maps for modern
war game scenarios, etc.

Thanks in advance for all replies.



  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 51 images Cartographer
    Well, for starters, you are going to need Campaign Cartographer 3 (CC3).

    Beyond that, there is a matter of what scale you are intending to make maps in. If you are going for floorplan level and battlemaps, you are going to want Dungeon Designer 3 (DD3), as it contains the tools for these types of maps.
    CC3 and addons doesn't contain many symbols for the 17th-19th century maps, but you will be able to use a lot of the medieval stuff, again depending a bit on the scale of your maps. You may be able to find nice artwork on the net depicting elements from this period as well. For Modern maps, there is Symbol Set 3 - Modern (SS3), which should fit your purpose. Unfortunately, the V3 version of this addon isn't ready yet, so you only have the old version. It is still great, but doesn't contain all the new style raster artwork the V3 addons have.

    For Castles, you have Source Maps: Castles (SMC), which contain a lot of pre-made castle maps and the tools to make your own, and City Designer 3 (CD3) which also can be used, again depending on the kind of castle you want to draw.
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