
I have a question concerning web page design with using CC3. For a class project just for a grade I have made a web page using a CC3 theme for future projects. I have used the symbols and stuff as well. My question now, is it is not up on the internet, but for job choices for what I got a degree in; is web page development, since I can't do game design yet. For my portfolio for a job, I was wondering if I could use the theme I have for it with out getting in trouble with profantasy. If I am actually allowed too, I think I can make a pretty neat webpage with it.


  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    You can do that just fine, as long as your webpage is not there for the purpose of distributing our artwork. I.e. integrate any symbols into your background and don't use straight bitmap tiles. This section from the license agreement applies:
    (i) Subject to the restrictions in section ii and iii, you may freely distribute the maps you create using OUR ARTWORK in CC3 format, but not the source image files (PNG and bitmap artwork) associated with them. You may freely distribute flat files (for example BMP and PNG) exported from CC3 containing OUR ARTWORK. You may publish such maps for commercial gain.
  • FarsightX3FarsightX3 Surveyor
    edited June 2008
    This is the front page if I do use this. Each cardinal direction is to what class I had projects for. When you see the CC3, those are the maps I have done, (see Maps of Mahdran Thread). The other stuff is just work from After Effects, Photoshop and 3dsmax. I was wondering if this was ok to use.
  • RalfRalf Administrator, ProFantasy 🖼️ 18 images Mapmaker
    That is absolutely okay to do.
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