WW2 Game & Profantasy Software

I am working on getting a World War 2 RPG started up and therefore, I need to make maps. In the past I have used Dundjinni, but with it no longer really in development, plus it being a pain to get all the artwork together, I'm thinking I may need to pick up some other software. I do have some issues/questions though:

1) The majority of examples I've seen of map programs have been fantasy based, so I'm curious how well these programs would work on a more modern (1940s) setting.
2) How easy is it to make my own graphics for the program, should that arise?
3) While I won't really need a world mapper (I can use google maps or old time maps for that), what I WILL need is smaller, more tactical maps. These maps would probably be village or smaller scale for missions such as "Attack this Village", "Take that Farmhouse", or "Blow up the Bridge".
With this in mind...which of the programs here would be most suitable?

Thanks, appreciate any advice and help:)


  • MonsenMonsen Administrator 🖼️ 46 images Cartographer
    1. There is an add-on for CC3, Symbol Set 3 - Modern. It is primarily designed for this day and age, but many items would look good in a 1940 setting as well (at least better than medieval fantasy items). Unfortunately, the upgraded version of this add-on is not ready yet. The old version (fully usable with CC3 though) contains a lot of nice modern vector symbols, but the new version will contain a lot of great modern raster symbols as well when it arrives.

    2. Depends on your artistic bent. CC3 contains two types of symbols, vector symbols and raster symbols. Vector symbols are easy to make (making good vector symbols can take some work though), and can be made inside the program. Raster symbols are image files (.png), and needs to be made in an external image editor. This is the same format usable by dundjinni as well. (Note however that the images distributed with dundjinni are encrypted, and can NOT be used in CC3, but user-created artwork for dundjinni is fully usable in CC3 as well.)
    You can also find many symbols on the net, which can proably save you from making many symbols as well, for example the SMAC collection

    3. Small villages are easiest to create in City Designer, and general battlemaps are easiest in Dungeon Designer (even outdoor ones), but you can make both in plain CC3 as well, although you will need to do more work yourself when you don't have the tools and symbols from the addons.
  • Simon RogersSimon Rogers Administrator, ProFantasy Traveler
    I would recommend the World War II Interactive Atlas, and/or SS3 Modern.
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