Symbol Origins
🖼️ 34 images Mapmaker
After importing pngs into the symbol manager, is there a way to change the origin of a single symbol?
- Open Symbol Manager and EDIT the symbol in question.
- Choose the Move command, select all, Do It.
- As the Move From point, choose the new origin you want.
- As the destination, type in 0,0.
- Close the editing Window and accept the changes.
The symbol now has the new origin. Be aware that this will affect all existing symbols in the drawing.
Hope that helps.
- Open Symbol Manager and EDIT the symbol in question.
- Use the ORIGIN command and select the wanted origin point.
- Close the editing Window and accept the changes.
Note: It looks like I am misremembering this. Using Origin in the Symbol Edit should work fine. If anyone experiences problems with it, let me know.
I always believed the symbol edit window was like another CC3 instance. Pry tell me if I'm wrong.
I've had my lot of CC3 crashes with Symbol Edit, but as far as I can remember not with the origin thing.