Shessar, just went to your site and got something totally unexpected. The link to your site takes you elsewhere, something your end either needs renewing, redirecting or updating. Thought you ought to know.
And there was me just about to download some more symbols to!
My host seems to be down. I'm sure it will come back once they get whatever problem they are having fixed. Sorry about that, but it is beyond my control at this point.
The last of the Interior Fill Styles are now available. The newest are: Decorative, Tile Makers, and White.
My next project will be the Exterior Fills. I think I have about ten folders of exterior textures, so it should take me about a month to finish them. I may just work through to finish them all before posting, rather than updating weekly.
Posted By: Old GuyNoticed that you have marked your site as "down for maintenance" for a few day. Hope all is well.
It's a long story, but to keep it brief... I had missed seeing the terms of service of one of the artists who made a lot of the art in the SMAC. As soon as I realized what I had done, I contacted him. (I'm the honest sort of person.) After a brief discussion, he has agreed to allow me to keep his art in the SMAC with the provision that I add an addendum to my TOS that all of his art is covered by his TOS and that I not distribute any of his new art. His generosity in allowing me to keep his works in the SMAC is amazing.
My site is down until I can get the updated TOS written. If you are wondering which art, it is that created by Greytale and the pngs are tagged with "_gt". His TOS is Private Use Only. Permission required for redistribution, modification and commercial use. He is interested in supporting the Campaign Cartographer community, so if you are looking for more great mapping art head over to his site at The Nook. The art is free, and some requires site registration, some does not. He does beautiful work.
He certainly does do amazing work and that was very generous of him to allow it to continue to be included. I'm glad you checked with him once his tos specification was discovered. Hope the universe grants you some good karma for that!
Thanks BOHICA, but I also have all of the CSUAC and Dundjinni pngs.
For the SMAC, I've tried sorting through them all to eliminate any that did not seem to fit in well with the style, or that were not at the same resolution and quality as the others. I'm sure I've miss many that could/should be in there, but I've given myself permission to not obsess over it. Hehehe. I do appreciate the offer though.
And just to update where I'm at with the exterior fills; I am now working full time at a real life job, so my progress has slowed. However, I am still working at it in my spare time and am down to the last two folders. It's coming my friends. Thanks for being patient :}
First, Thanks so much for the use of your symbol sets they are brilliant. Now for the whining, I have downloaded the SMAC symbols and placed them in the SMAC folder in my Symbols folder in CC3. MNCs are in the Menu folder, and I have pasted the MNUs into the appropriate files. I get a slew of new buttons with questionmarks as the icons. I cannot pull up any of symbol catalogs, just get boxes with a red x in the middle. Other odd thing is Windows if forcing me to open the FSC files for the SMAC with CC2pro, and won't let CC3 play if I try to open them from file explorer. Have I done something wrong, or do I need to reinstall my mapping suite, in hopes that some sort of bug will work itself out?
The question marks is my fault. I don't have time to troubleshoot that right now, but somehow my script stopped assigning the correct icons to the buttons. I'll look into that.
As for opening symbol catalogs through explorer. Neither CC2 nor CC3 assigns the file type to itself in explorer, so if they opens in CC2 Pro, it is because you have manually set up this once. You can fix this from Tools -> Folder Options - File Types (in windows explorer).
For the red X'es, it means that the images were not found. This is caused by the files being unzipped to the wrong location. Make sure that your paths are as follows (using two example files, all other files of the same type should have the same path). If you have any other directories inside the path, or are missing, it needs to be fixed. # refers to your CC3 installation folder, by default c:\Program Files\ProFantasy\CC3\
Symbol catalogs: #Symbols\SMAC\DD_Altars.FSC Art files: #Symbols\Art Altars\AlienAltarSteel_dbl.png
Many thanks, I knew it was something silly in the path, overlooked the art in the folder name. Folder options, well I keep forgetting that exists. I live in an Unix environment (MS should be glad for Profantasy, because it the primary reason I have windows around). I owe you a virtual beer, or sarsaparilla .
BTW love the name BOHICA....spend any time in the 82nd?
Hey folks, I can't seem to use the Huts/Tents from City Designer. Granted, I only have CC3 and DD3--so maybe that is it? Most of my maps are tactical maps, and I need (or, want) to insert either a hut or a tent... just one time Is there a way I can make the tent from SMAC work with CC3/DD3? Buying CD3 just to paste a hut seems like a good waste of money
Just open the symbol catalog manually. Click the open symbol catalog button right on top of the symbol catalog itself, and browse to the catalog file (.fsc file). Note that it is important that you have placed the SMAC files in the correct location, or the catalog will just show the "missing file" images.
You do not need to have CD3 (nor any other add-on) to use these symbols.
Hey folks does anyone know if there is a crossbow or Balister type symbol around? I need a trap where there are two turrets which fire crossbow bolts? I could make one but I'm all for not re inventing the wheel. Sorry if this is the wrong place, but I thought the wise heads who visit here might know.
Thanks Monsen, I don't have symbol set 2 and only DD2 but the Smac I can get to - I didn't realise that they had war weapons so thanks for the heads up.
If you have DD2, you still have the vector symbols I mentioned above, but depending on your map style, the SMAC symbols might fit better. But you should check them out.
I finally have a bit more free time, so have been working at getting the Overland art finished.
I've just uploaded the Overland fill styles. The overland fills are all in one zip file. Just unzip it into CC3/Bitmaps/SMAC. This will create the Overland folder and sub folders.
As I've said before, there isn't much art available for overland maps, but I will share what little there is.
Shessar, thanks. Does that mean that this is the end of your postings on this project? Does that mean that this thread will fade into oblivion never to see the light of day again unless someone kindly bumps it?
Posted By: BidmaronShessar, thanks. Does that mean that this is the end of your postings on this project? Does that mean that this thread will fade into oblivion never to see the light of day again unless someone kindly bumps it?
I still have a few overland symbols that I'm working on. The problem is that they are not all the same scale, nor are they all the same style. Still, I will fiddle with them to make at least a few overland catalogs.
Once that is done, I may begin looking at the sci-fi modern symbols. This will be a "work in progress" for quite some time.
And there was me just about to download some more symbols to!
My next project will be the Exterior Fills. I think I have about ten folders of exterior textures, so it should take me about a month to finish them. I may just work through to finish them all before posting, rather than updating weekly.
I had missed seeing the terms of service of one of the artists who made a lot of the art in the SMAC. As soon as I realized what I had done, I contacted him. (I'm the honest sort of person.) After a brief discussion, he has agreed to allow me to keep his art in the SMAC with the provision that I add an addendum to my TOS that all of his art is covered by his TOS and that I not distribute any of his new art. His generosity in allowing me to keep his works in the SMAC is amazing.
My site is down until I can get the updated TOS written. If you are wondering which art, it is that created by Greytale and the pngs are tagged with "_gt". His TOS is Private Use Only. Permission required for redistribution, modification and commercial use. He is interested in supporting the Campaign Cartographer community, so if you are looking for more great mapping art head over to his site at The Nook. The art is free, and some requires site registration, some does not. He does beautiful work.
I will eventually get up a list of artists as well as links to their websites where available. So much to do and so little time.
It will still be a few weeks before I will upload the Exterior Fill Styles. Patience my friends.
For the SMAC, I've tried sorting through them all to eliminate any that did not seem to fit in well with the style, or that were not at the same resolution and quality as the others. I'm sure I've miss many that could/should be in there, but I've given myself permission to not obsess over it. Hehehe. I do appreciate the offer though.
And just to update where I'm at with the exterior fills; I am now working full time at a real life job, so my progress has slowed. However, I am still working at it in my spare time and am down to the last two folders. It's coming my friends. Thanks for being patient :}
First, Thanks so much for the use of your symbol sets they are brilliant. Now for the whining, I have downloaded the SMAC symbols and placed them in the SMAC folder in my Symbols folder in CC3. MNCs are in the Menu folder, and I have pasted the MNUs into the appropriate files. I get a slew of new buttons with questionmarks as the icons. I cannot pull up any of symbol catalogs, just get boxes with a red x in the middle. Other odd thing is Windows if forcing me to open the FSC files for the SMAC with CC2pro, and won't let CC3 play if I try to open them from file explorer. Have I done something wrong, or do I need to reinstall my mapping suite, in hopes that some sort of bug will work itself out?
As for opening symbol catalogs through explorer. Neither CC2 nor CC3 assigns the file type to itself in explorer, so if they opens in CC2 Pro, it is because you have manually set up this once. You can fix this from Tools -> Folder Options - File Types (in windows explorer).
For the red X'es, it means that the images were not found. This is caused by the files being unzipped to the wrong location. Make sure that your paths are as follows (using two example files, all other files of the same type should have the same path). If you have any other directories inside the path, or are missing, it needs to be fixed.
# refers to your CC3 installation folder, by default c:\Program Files\ProFantasy\CC3\
Symbol catalogs: #Symbols\SMAC\DD_Altars.FSC
Art files: #Symbols\Art Altars\AlienAltarSteel_dbl.png
Many thanks, I knew it was something silly in the path, overlooked the art in the folder name. Folder options, well I keep forgetting that exists. I live in an Unix environment (MS should be glad for Profantasy, because it the primary reason I have windows around). I owe you a virtual beer, or sarsaparilla .
BTW love the name BOHICA....spend any time in the 82nd?
I've just finished uploading all of the Exterior Fills. Enjoy!
I spent 25 years in the Marines.
I can't seem to use the Huts/Tents from City Designer. Granted, I only have CC3 and DD3--so maybe that is it? Most of my maps are tactical maps, and I need (or, want) to insert either a hut or a tent... just one time
You do not need to have CD3 (nor any other add-on) to use these symbols.
The SMAC also have a crossbow in the "WAR Weapons" category and a ballista in the "War Siege" category
I've just uploaded the Overland fill styles. The overland fills are all in one zip file. Just unzip it into CC3/Bitmaps/SMAC. This will create the Overland folder and sub folders.
As I've said before, there isn't much art available for overland maps, but I will share what little there is.
Once that is done, I may begin looking at the sci-fi modern symbols. This will be a "work in progress" for quite some time.