"(iii) You may not produce commercial products which consist predominantly of floorplan-resolution exports OUR ARTWORK without written permission from ProFantasy Software Ltd. This includes but is not limited to PDF dungeon tiles."
I really don't have any idea what sort of product this is referring to. Does it apply to any sale of a PDF dungeon tile product that contains ProFantasy artwork? How about a PDF product that contains dungeon tiles (and other stuff, too), that contain ProFantasy artwork? Presumably both of those would be acceptable in printed format.
To be a little more specific, I'm working on a product that includes some tiles like the included one, which includes some ProFantasy artwork. I'm considering releasing the product as a PDF if the cost of printing proves unworkable until I get some more capital. I've been assuming that this meets the licensing requirements, but the above sentence creates some ambiguity. FWIW, the product will also include 60-70 pages of text in 2 rulebooks and over 100 game cards. I'm pretty sure that this isn't the sort of thing that clause (iii) is intended to prohibit, but it's good to be sure.
EDIT: the below image is (c) 2010, Lee Short, all rights reserved. Forum members are given permission to make copies for personal use only.
EDIT 2: there will be expansion packs for the product, some of which will consist entirely or nearly entirely of tiles.
You'll want PF to weigh in directly (or send a note to Simon), but my understanding is the clause that is ambiguous for you is meant to prevent people from basically making copies of their artwork and selling it. My understanding is your tiles, which use PF artwork to create a different product, are fine.
Hopefully Simon or Ralf will be along shortly to clarify.
Creating PDF products with DD3 is specifically excluded from the license agreement, as is releasing symbols in this format from any of our products. Please contact me off-forum.
"(iii) You may not produce commercial products which consist predominantly of floorplan-resolution exports OUR ARTWORK without written permission from ProFantasy Software Ltd. This includes but is not limited to PDF dungeon tiles."
Hi Simon...I just got started with DD3 and CC3. I just have a quick question that I hope is appropriate here. I am writing an adventure module for a game system that will have a few dungeon maps...like you would typically see in any module. In other words...no dungeon tiles...just GM support maps and such. This adventure would be sold as a digital download. Is this permissible or do I need to get a different level of permission?
I just wanted to clarify that my idea was to create the needed maps then save them as PNG or BMP files first then place them in the adventure document. So in other words I wasn't intending to simply create the map and attach it in a way that permitted reverse engineering.
"(iii) You may not produce commercial products which consist predominantly of floorplan-resolution exports OUR ARTWORK without written permission from ProFantasy Software Ltd. This includes but is not limited to PDF dungeon tiles."
I really don't have any idea what sort of product this is referring to. Does it apply to any sale of a PDF dungeon tile product that contains ProFantasy artwork? How about a PDF product that contains dungeon tiles (and other stuff, too), that contain ProFantasy artwork? Presumably both of those would be acceptable in printed format.
EDIT: the below image is (c) 2010, Lee Short, all rights reserved. Forum members are given permission to make copies for personal use only.
EDIT 2: there will be expansion packs for the product, some of which will consist entirely or nearly entirely of tiles.
Hopefully Simon or Ralf will be along shortly to clarify.
"(iii) You may not produce commercial products which consist predominantly of floorplan-resolution exports OUR ARTWORK without written permission from ProFantasy Software Ltd. This includes but is not limited to PDF dungeon tiles."
Sorry for the extra post,