Cutting down world map leaves Relief/Contours
I have reached the point in my world map where I want to trim it down into sub-maps of kingdoms/countries, and have run into a bit of an issue. The world map was kicked off on FT, brought into CC, and built upon from there. When trying to use the cutting method shown in CA68, I find that everything is trimmed to the inserted rectangle...except the Relief/Contour layer, which retains all elevation and water depth contours, within and beyond the rectangle...for the entire world.
More interesting is that I cannot then even select a spot on any of those contours that will allow me to break or move them.
It sounds like those contours are combined polygons called multipolies. In order to edit them you have to use Explode on them first, but be careful not to use it more than once.
Excellent! I will try that. Thank you!
I had no luck on trimming. I went with the trace land option and rebuilt for there :(